Rank Info
Pawn Rank:
Access to Angelchest (retrieves your items when you die)
Lush Rewards for regular playtime
Change your chat color
Max 3 jobs in /jobs browse
/balance - Check your in-game balance
/baltop - View the top balances
/dispose - Safely dispose of unwanted items
/help - View server help commands
/home - Teleport to your home
/jobs - Manage jobs
/kit pawn - Claim the Pawn rank kit
/mail - Send in-game mail
/money & /pay - Manage money and payments
/nick - Set a nickname
/playtime & /playtimetop - Check your total playtime
/removehome - Delete a home
/rankinfo & /rankup - View and upgrade your rank
/sell & /sell gui - Sell items
/sethome <HomeName> - Set 1 home (includes bed as home)
/tpa, /tpaccept, /tpdeny, /tphere, /tpacancel - Teleport to other players
/warp - Teleport to different server locations
/worthlist - View the value of items
/torch - Buy 64 torches for $100
Rook Rank:
Teleport to your Angelchest
Max 4 jobs in /jobs browse
/me - Speak in third person
/sit - Sit anywhere
/ride -Ride on an Entity or a Player's Head
/workbench or /wb - Access a crafting table
/kit rook - Claim the Rook rank kit Includes all previous Pawn rank features
Knight Rank:
3 homes with /sethome
Access to Chest Shop features
Max 5 jobs in /jobs browse
Edit placed signs
Ability to change /nick with colors
/kit knight - Claim the Knight rank kit
/back - Teleport to your last location
/cartographytable - Access a cartography table
/hat - Wear any item as a hat
/ignore - Ignore players
/loom - Access a loom for banners Includes all previous Rook rank features
Bishop Rank:
Max 8 jobs in /jobs browse
/kit bishop - Claim the Bishop rank kit
/grindstone - Access a grindstone
/repair - Repair items for $1,000
/extinguish or /ext - Extinguish fires
Includes all previous Knight rank features
Queen Rank:
/anvil - Repair items for $100 each use
/smithingtable - Access a smithing table
/kit queen - Claim the Queen rank kit
/stonecutter - Access a stonecutter
Max 10 jobs in /jobs browse
Includes all previous Bishop rank features
King Rank:
/feed - Feed yourself Max 5 homes with
/recharge - Fly like creative mode using experience points or money
/ender - Access an ender chest
/kit king - Claim the King rank kit
Ability to adjust and edit armor stands
Max 10 jobs in /jobs browse
Includes all previous Queen rank features
Below Are The Paid Subscription Ranks
Gold Rank: $5
Access to the /fly Command
Access to the /glow Command
Access to the /jump Command
Access to Premium warps to go to restricted areas
Five /sethome locations Max
Your Max health will be set to 30
You will receive 75,000 in-game money
-Money is only given for the purchase and is not given monthly/annually
Diamond Rank: $15
Includes All Gold rank features and:
Access to /heal Command
Access to /repair Command
80,000k In-game Money
Seven /sethome locations Max
Max Health will be set to 40
+Plus all features of the ranks below but not the money.
-Money is only given for the purchase and is not given monthly/annually
Netherite Rank: $25
Includes: all features of Gold, Diamond Ranks, and:
Access to the /god Command
Access to the /tppos Command
Access to the /tpopos Command
100,000 In-game Money
Ten /sethome locations Max
Max Health will be set to 60
Use of colors in everything
+Plus all features of the ranks below but not the money.
-Money is only given for the purchase and is not given monthly/annually