Hello! I’m Chris, though some know me as Spider. I’m a proud father, husband, stepdad, brother, and friend. Gaming has always been a huge part of my life, and it’s one of the main reasons I created Vexelab—a space where I can share my passion for games and connect with others who love gaming just as much as I do.

I’ve always been drawn to online open-world games, with Minecraft being a longtime favorite. I also enjoy playing 7 Days to Die, diving into Stardew Valley with my wife, and exploring Terraria with my kids. Co-op and multiplayer games keep things exciting for me, especially when I can play alongside friends and family. While I enjoy FPS games, I prefer to stick with my Vexelab community, where I know the vibe is always positive and supportive.

Technology and gaming go hand in hand for me. I love tinkering with game servers and have hosted many over the years, both on my own PCs and through paid hosts. Now, I’m running a Minecraft server as part of the Vexelab community, where I continue to explore new ways to enjoy and share my love of gaming.

Recently, I decided to start streaming on Twitch (as of August 2024), bringing even more people into the Vexelab family. I may have Asperger's and ADHD, which shape a lot of who I am, but I don’t let them hold me back. Instead, they inspire me to keep pushing forward, learning new things, and connecting with others in meaningful ways.

If you’re into gaming, tech, or just looking for a chill place to hang out, I’d love for you to join me on this journey. Let’s keep things exciting together!

Hello and welcome! I’m Beth, or Bethany if you prefer. You might know me as Ladybugs or Spider’s wife—titles I wear with pride. I’m the proud mom of three energetic boys who keep me on my toes and deeply immersed in the gaming world.

My gaming journey began with my family’s love for Minecraft, and though it took some convincing, I eventually caught the bug through our adventures in It Takes Two. Now, I’m not only enjoying Minecraft myself but also managing Spider’s server and a few Facebook pages, all while running a busy household.

Outside of gaming, I’m an avid baker with a special knack for making cakes. I focus on vegan baking to accommodate our family’s food allergies, and over the years, I’ve honed my skills and learned a lot. I love sharing my passion for cooking, recipes, and creative ideas with others. Hosting get-togethers is another joy of mine—whether it’s planning a themed birthday party for one of my kids or organizing a cookout for friends and family.

I absolutely go BANANAs over Christmas! It’s my favorite holiday, and I’m sure it will find its way into my gaming adventures in some delightful way. Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

Hi! for those that don't know me I'm Will, although most here just call me Moldy or Moldyglob. 

I grew up on video games, started with World of Warcraft when I was 4 and expanded with that as I grew up. Because I grew up with video games it became what I love and I decided to get my degree in it so I now have my Bachelors in Video Game Design and am working in a game project currently with some fellow graduates through a little studio we are calling Charlie Studios!

I'm always down to try new games so if you see any you might want to try and want someone to play with shoot me a message and I'll give it a whirl