
General Conduct

    Respect Others: Treat all players with respect. No harassment, bullying, or hate speech.

    No Griefing: Do not destroy or alter other players' builds or creations without permission.

    No Stealing: Do not take items or resources from other players without their consent.

    Keep Chat Clean: No spamming, excessive use of caps, or inappropriate language. Keep chat friendly and appropriate for all players.

    No Cheating: Do not use hacks, mods, or exploits that give you an unfair advantage.

    No Advertising: Do not advertise other servers, websites, or services without permission.

    Keep things family/kid friendly as this is an age 13+ server.


    Respect Server Property: Do not damage or alter server structures, spawn areas, or community projects.

    No PvP Without Consent: Player versus Player combat is only allowed in designated areas or if both parties agree.

    No AFK Farming: Avoid using automated systems to farm resources while away from the keyboard. ( ie. Auto miners)

    Follow Building Guidelines: Build in designated areas and follow any server-specific building rules or themes.


    Help New Players: Assist newcomers and help them get acclimated to the server.

    Report Issues: Report any rule violations or issues to server staff immediately.

    Participate in Events: Join server events and activities to foster community spirit.

    Use Common Sense: If something feels wrong or unfair, it probably is. Use your best judgment and ask staff if unsure.


    No Lag Machines: Do not create redstone contraptions or other builds that cause excessive lag.

    Use Commands Responsibly: Only use commands if you have permission and do not abuse command privileges.

    Do not abuse any bugs that you come across and please report them when you do.

    No Xray mods for the purpose of finding ores or cheating mods of other kinds. 


    Respect Staff Decisions: Respect the decisions made by server staff. They are there to help and maintain order.

    Do Not Impersonate Staff: Do not pretend to be a member of the server staff.

Final Note

    Have Fun: Remember, the main goal is to have fun and enjoy the game with others!